Free PDF Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, by Robert Lanza Bob Berman
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Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, by Robert Lanza Bob Berman
Free PDF Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe, by Robert Lanza Bob Berman
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“I found the attack on physics to be pretty compelling ... Lanza's theories [are] certainly worth debate.”— Houston Chronicle's Eric Berger, SciGuy blog “What makes this book both interesting and worth the effort of reading it; is the unique perspective Lanza brings to the subject matter as a physician. ... From the way [Lanza] chooses to present his arguments, it's clear he has a solid grasp of esoteric disciplines like quantum theory, special relativity and particle physics. And what makes his presentation more compelling than other efforts I've encountered is his ability and willingness to weave personal experience into the thoughts and ideas presented. His style is conversational and warm which tends to pull you along through the exposition gently. And his sense of wonder and befuddlement at shop worn enigmas like the double slit experiment, Bell's theorem, non-locality and Schrödinger's cat is as infectious as it is delightful ... I very much like what Lanza has to say in Biocentrism.”— Midwest Book Review Endorsements for Robert Lanza’s essay on which Biocentrism is based: “For several days now I have read and reread your article and thought about it. Like ‘a brief history of time’ it is indeed stimulating and brings biology into the whole. Any short statement does not do justice to such a scholarly work. Almost every society of mankind has explained the mystery of our surroundings and being by invoking a god or group of gods. Scientists work to acquire objective answers from the infinity of space or the inner machinery of the atom. Lanza proposes a biocentrist theory which ascribes the answer to the observer rather than the observed. The work is a scholarly consideration of science and philosophy that brings biology into the central role in unifying the whole. The book will appeal to an audience of many different disciplines because it is a new way of looking at the old problem of our existence. Most importantly, it makes you think.”—E. Donnall Thomas Thomas was awarded the 1990 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. He is Professor Emeritus at the University of Washington and Director Emeritus of the Clinical Research Division at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center. “It is genuinely an exciting piece of work. I am very familiar with some of the things you say. The idea that consciousness creates reality has quantum support, as you suggest, and also coheres with some of the things biology and neuroscience are telling us about the structures of our being. To put what you are doing in a larger context, it exhibits a dramatic new Copernican reversal. Just as we now know that the sun doesn’t really move but we do (we are the active agents), so you are suggesting that we are the entities that give meaning to the particular configuration of all possible outcomes we call reality. I think this is a great project.”—Ronald Green Green is the Eunice and Julian Cohen Professor for the Study of Ethics and Human Values, and Director of Dartmouth College’s Ethics Institute. Professor Green is a well-known religious studies scholar and former Chairman of the Department of Religion “Robert Lanza, a world renowned scientist who has spanned many fields from drug delivery to stem cells to preventing animal extinction, and clearly one of the most brilliant minds of our times, has done it again. ‘A New Theory of the Universe’ takes into account all the knowledge we have gained over the last few centuries, and correlates them to our own beings, placing in perspective our biologic limitations that have impeded our understanding of greater truths surrounding our existence and the universe around us. This new theory is certain to revolutionize our concepts of the laws of nature for centuries to come.”—Anthony Atala Atala is an internationally recognized scientist, and the W.H. Boyce Professor, Chair, and Director of the Wake Forest Institute for Regenerative Medicine at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine. “As an astrophysicist, I focus my attention on objects that are very large and very far away, ignoring the whole issue of consciousness as a critical part of the Universe. Reading Robert Lanza’s work is a wake-up call to all of us that even on the grandest scale we still depend on our minds to experience reality. Issues of “quantum weirdness” do have a place in the macroscopic world. Time and space do depend on perception. We can go about our daily lives and continue to study the physical Universe as if it exists as an objective reality (because the probabilities allow that degree of confidence), but we do so with a better awareness of an underlying biological component, thanks to Dr. Lanza. I cannot speak for NASA or other NASA scientists, but personally I look forward to hearing a more detailed explanation of this biocentric view of the Universe from Dr. Lanza.”—David Thompson Thompson is an astrophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. His contributions include the building and flying of prototypes of EGRET, which was launched by the Space Shuttle Atlantis in 1991. He is currently with the Astroparticle Physics Laboratory, and has received both the Goddard Space Flight Center & NASA Group Exceptional Achievement Awards. “Yes, it is appropriate to ask whether our perception of space and time is a consequence of our particular neurophysiology. Yes, it is appropriate to ask how it happened that the conditions worked out to be just right for life to appear somehow on earth and then to evolve from the archaea through the eukaryotes to us. ... I’ll bet the book gets a good audience. And I like to see books published that challenge my own ideas and thoughts in ways that make me think, but not ones that simply throw dogma at me. The essay is definitely of the former kind.”—R. Stephen Berry Berry is James Franck Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus, Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago. Professor Berry is a member (and recent Home Secretary) of the prestigious National Academy of Sciences. He was also former Vice President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences and MacArthur Prize “Genius” Fellow. “Science has a token of freedom that motivates scientists to study all logical possibilities that may explain the world. Robert Lanza has come up with an innovative approach to investigate reality from the viewpoint of biology. His article demands an answer to the question of whether scientists have exhausted all possible tools for studying nature. Can science bring biology into grand unified theory? A solution is suggested that involves a new concept, biocentrism. Lanza goes beyond the individual human attribute calling for interconnectedness among all living creatures forming the fundamental basis for understanding reality. A book that expands upon this unique approach is warranted, not only to alert society, but to call on it to test this novel new hypothesis.”—Gunther Kletetschka Kletetschka is a geophysicist at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. He is also a Research Professor of Physics at Catholic University of America and leading scientist working on the James Web Space Telescope. “It’s a masterpiece—truly a magnificent essay. Bob Lanza is to be congratulated for a fresh and highly erudite look at the question of how perception and consciousness shape reality and common experience. His monograph combines a deep understanding and broad insight into 20th century physics and modern biological science; in so doing, he forces a reappraisal of this hoary epistemological dilemma. Not all will agree with the proposition he advances, but most will find his writing eminently readable and his arguments both convincing and challenging. Bravo.”—Michael Lysaght Lysaght is Professor of Medical Science and Engineering at Brown University and Director of Brown’s Center for Biomedical Engineering.
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About the Author
Robert Lanza “Robert Lanza was taken under the wing of scientific giants such as psychologist B.F. Skinner, immunologist Jonas Salk, and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. His mentors described him as a ‘genius,’ a ‘renegade thinker,’ even likening him to Einstein himself.” —US News & World Report cover story Robert Lanza has been exploring the frontiers of science for more than four decades, and is considered one of the leading scientists in the world. He is currently Chief Scientific Officer at Advanced Cell Technology, and Adjunct Professor at Wake Forest University School of Medicine. He has several hundred publications and inventions, and 20 scientific books, among them, Principles of Tissue Engineering, which is recognized as the definitive reference in the field. Others include One World: The Health & Survival of the Human Species in the 21st Century (with a foreword by President Jimmy Carter), and the Handbook of Stem Cells and Essentials of Stem Cell Biology, which are considered the definitive references in stem cell research. Dr. Lanza received his B.A. and M.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania, where he was both a University Scholar and Benjamin Franklin Scholar. He was also a Fulbright Scholar, and was part of the team that cloned the world’s first human embryo, as well as the first to clone an endangered species, to demonstrate that nuclear transfer could reverse the aging process, and to generate stem cells using a method that does not require the destruction of human embryos. Dr. Lanza was awarded the 2005 Rave Award for Medicine by Wired magazine, and received the 2006 “All Star” Award for Biotechnology by Mass High Tech. Dr. Lanza and his research have been featured in almost every media outlet in the world, including all the major television networks, CNN, Time, Newsweek, People magazine, as well as the front pages of the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, and USA Today, among others. Lanza has worked with some of the greatest thinkers of our time, including Nobel Laureates Gerald Edelman and Rodney Porter. Lanza worked closely with B.F. Skinner at Harvard University. Lanza and Skinner (the “Father of Modern Behaviorism”) published a number of scientific papers together. He has also worked with Jonas Salk (discoverer of the polio vaccine) and heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard. Bob Berman “this is a fascinating guy” —David Letterman “fasten your seatbelts and hold on tight” —Astronomy magazine Bob Berman is the most widely read astronomer in the world. Author of more than one thousand published articles, in publications such as Discover and Astronomy magazine, where he is a monthly columnist, he is also astronomy editor of The Old Farmer’s Almanac and the author of four books. He is adjunct professor of astronomy at Marymount College, and writes and produces a weekly show on Northeast Public Radio, aired during NPR’s Weekend Edition.
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Product details
Paperback: 200 pages
Publisher: BenBella Books; 1 edition (May 18, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1935251740
ISBN-13: 978-1935251743
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 8.8 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.1 out of 5 stars
730 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#13,751 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I've thought about stuff like this my whole life. The world "out there" is just NOT what you think it is. The equipment you dream with when you sleep is the same stuff with which you experience your "life". Neither "experience" is "real". Sorry for all the quotation marks. What you know is not necessarily right. You do not exist the way you think you do. If you have read or are reading this book you have stumbled on to something very profound.The first chapter contains some of the most important ideas you will ever know. Read this book carefully.Mere words are not enough to describe just how...magnificent YOU are!There are some who will scoff at these ideas. Do your own research. Get "The Seth Material" by Jane Roberts for a simple explanation of how you are...put together.Some notable scientists have noted recently that we may exist in a simulation. Indeed we do! WE are the simulators! Other scientists say there is "Dark matter" and "Dark Energy". Of course there is! This is un-realized "stuff" that an "observer" hasn't been "aware" of! Once again forgive the quotes...mere words...Here is a mind bender: The Hubble Space Telescope can see "infant" galaxies so far away [13.5 billion light years] that they must have formed soon after the "Big Bang" This means the light from those objects is 13.5 billion years old. The "speed limit" for light is 186,000 miles per second. Mere matter CANNOT go that fast! HOW did those objects get so far away if they can't move at the speed of light? Are we looking at the back of our heads? Is the universe a circle ? Just where the heck are we anyway? What is light? What is matter? What is speed? What is distance? What is space? See? ALL of these IDEAS are YOURS! They exist nowhere else! YOUR ideas are unique. No one else has them! YOUR existence is yours alone!Water is not "wet". Our experience of it is "wet". Oxygen and Hydrogen are as dry as popcorn! There are many things like this. There is no time and there is no space...
This book is Something Special."Quantum physics for the seeker" is how I think of it.I've read a few books that impressed me over the years. This one, though, is different in that it combines 'two worlds'.I've tended toward a split psychology, I guess. I was naturally drawn to see the workings of things, mechanics, physics, logic. Yet always I wanted the deeper answers as to what it was all about. To the extent that I found those answers they were found in reading and experience that was almost the diametric opposite of the physical, logical world; "In the head" vs. measurable, touchable reality. Two different things.Maybe you've heard about someone's "When I first read the Bible" or "My first meditation" sort of experience. Well, this one is more powerful than that, in that it COMBINES the core questions of existence with 'scientific', that is, actual physical/experimental, proof.I have, indeed, read a good few 'spiritually-oriented' books. My experience with them has always been that once I put them down, I am again faced with the same humdrum daily 'existence' of house, work, tromping about in that same old body, etc; 'physical reality' reasserts itself, and it's easy to feel that those deeply felt Truths I read just the other day were nothing but dreams, and 'this'
I am currently reading the author's follow-up book to "Biocentrism"..."Beyond Biocentrism"...which has not yet been released to the public. So let me say that if you are not at all familiar with the weird world of quantum physics, I think you would be best off waiting a few weeks for the release of the author's 2nd book, "Beyond Biocentrism," and reading that book first. The author spends more time describing quantum weirdness in plain English in his second book than he does in the first book.If you already know a little bit about the quantum world...(you don't need to know a lot,) you will enjoy "Biocentrism." The author has a wonderful sense of humor which adds spice to the science. In fact one of the funniest things I have read in a long time is in this book. It has to do with the Ishihara Color Test. It completely cracked me up.There are a lot of books out there now related to this subject matter, and many of them are not worth your time...just authors cashing in on the latest theory of everything. But I am careful about choosing books. And Robert Lanza is a highly respected scientist specializing in the field of stem cell research, so I trust this guy. And Lanza is also quite frank in stating that much of his thinking on this subject is pure theory...not to be confused with scientific fact.The subject matter is not exactly new, but new ideas sometimes need to hang out there in the realm of possibilities for a while before they gather momentum. I remember first hearing about the beginnings of this theory from the writings of David Bohm, winner of the Nobel Prize in physics back in the 1970s; and here it is about fifty years later and it is beginning to catch intellectual fire. If you are willing to keep an open mind, "Biocentrism" will give you lots to think about. Like ... what happens when we die? Does our consciousness stop, or does it just keep going on? Enjoy.
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